Sunday, October 18th

Workshop Registration


Poster Display

P1 Overview of Wave Modeling Research Activities at the National Lab for Marine and Coastal Meteorology; Garry Pearson, Jamie Mclean, Hal Ritchie, Doug Mercer, Steve Mille, Serge Desjardins, Roop Lalbeharry, Syd Peel

P2 The mechanism of the high wave "Yorimawari-Nami" on 24th February 2008; Nadao Kohno, Hitoshi Ichikawa, Toshiharu Tauchi, and Yuki Kanai

P3 Swell evolution on global scales: observations, parameterizations and perspectives for assimilation; Fabrice Ardhuin, Fabrice Collard , Matthias Delpey, Bertrand Chapron, and Rudy Magne

P4 Wave hindcasting in the Mediterranean Sea; Rudy Magne and Fabrice Ardhuin

P5 Forecasting and hindcasting wave conditions in Norwegian areas; Anne Karin Magnusson

P6 A new approximation for nonlinear wave-wave interactions; William Perrie, Adhi Susilo and Bechara Toulany

P7 Storm Surge; Val Swail, Boram Lee, Alice Soares, Donald Resio, Kevin Horsburgh, Tad Murty, Shishir Dube , Mikhail Entel, Jonathan Flowerdew

P8 A U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS®): Operational Directional Wave Observation System; R.E. Jensen, W.A. Birkemeier; W.H. Burnett and Z.S. Willis

P9 Wave measurements, needs and developments for the next decade; Val Swail, Robert Jensen, Boram Lee, Jon Turton, Julie Thomas, Sergey Gulev, Margaret Yelland, Paula Etala, David Meldrum, William A. Birkemeier, Bill Burnett, Graham Warren

P10 A Rogue Wave Event at Middle Cove Beach, Newfoundland; Devon Telford

P11 Longer Term Forecast Challenges: In The Pursuit Of Finding An Operational Way To Give Hurricane Characteristics To The CMC Forecast Wind Field; S. Desjardins, R. Lalbeharry, H. Ritchie,J. McLean

P12 Progress in the Canadian Operational Network of Coupled Environmental PredicTion Systems (CONCEPTS); Hal Ritchie, Fraser Davidson, Eric Dombrowsky, Greg Flato, Youyu Lu, Pierre Pellerin, Marty Taillefer, Keith Thompson, Brenda Topliss, Darryl Williams, Dan Wright

P13 Wave Information Studies (WIS) Pacific Basin Hindcasting; Barbara Tracy

P14 A Global View of the Wind Sea and Swell Waves Interannual Variability from ERA-40; Alvaro Semedo and Kay Sušelj

P15 Spectral comparisons for different dissipation schemes in WAVEWATCH III; Georgia D. Kalantzi, Christine Gommenginger, Meric Srokosz, Fabrice Ardhuin

Monday, October 19th

Welcome and Introduction

Session A: Wave Climate 1 - Climate Change
Chair: Val Swail

Presentation - Paper: Coordinated Global Wave Climate Projections; M.A. Hemer, J.A. Church, V.R. Swail and X.L. Wang

Presentation - Paper: Future Projections of the East Australian Wave Climate; Mark A. Hemer, K.M McInnes and R. Ranasinghe

Presentation - Paper: On improving the results of statistical and dynamical downscaling; Xiaolan Wang, Val Swail, Andrew Cox

Session B: Wave Climate 2 - Climate and Climate Variability
Chair: Xiaolan Wang

Presentation - Paper: Return Value Estimates of Significant Wave Height based on a New Norwegian Hindcast (NORA10); Ole Johan Aarnes, Magnar Reistad, Øyvind Breivik and Hilde Haakenstad

Presentation - Paper: 100-year waves, teleconnections and wave climate variability; PH Taylor, VE Barker, D Bishop, and R. Eatock Taylor

Presentation - Paper: Estimation of climate variability of wind wave extremes from the VOS data: using model hindcasts for validation; Sergey Gulev and Vika Grigorieva

Presentation - Paper: Long Term Measurements and Trend at Canadian Coastal Locations; B. R. Thomas; V. R. Swail


Session C: Wave Climate 3 - Design
Chair: Vincent Cardone


Presentation - Paper: The role of spectral multimodality in wave climate design; Layla Loffredo, Jaak Monbaliu, Elzbieta Bitner-Gregersen, Alessandro Toffoli

Presentation - Paper: Second-Order Crest Statistics Of Realistic Sea States; Marios Christou, Peter Tromans, Luc Vanderschuren, Kevin Ewans

Presentation - Paper: Joint Modelling of Wave Spectral Parameters for Extreme Sea States; Philip Jonathan, Jan Flynn, Kevin Ewans

Presentation - Paper: Extreme Response in a Hurricane Governed Offshore Region: Uncertainties Related to Limited Amount of Data and Choice of Method of Prediction; Sverre Haver and Jan Erik Bergsvik


Session D: Wave Climate 4 - Variations
Chair: Vincent Cardone


Presentation - Paper: A Climatology of Landfalling Hurricane Central Pressures Along the Gulf of Mexico Coast; David H. Levinson, Peter J. Vickery, Donald T. Resio

Presentation - Paper: Estimating extreme water levels for climate-change adaptation planning in Halifax Harbour, Halifax Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia; D.L. Forbes, J. Charles, G.K. Manson, R.B. Taylor, K.R. Thompson, R. Wells

Discussion Session - Wave Climate Projections Chair: Val Swail


Tuesday, October 20th

Session E: Wave Measurement 1 - Remote Sensing
Chair: Anne Karin Magnusson

Presentation - Paper: Wave Profiles Derived from Nautical X-Band Radar as Data Source for Ship Motion Prediction; Jens Dannenberg, Konstanze Reichert and Henk van den Boom

Presentation - Paper: Analysis of an Event of "Parametric Rolling" onboard RV Polarstern based on Data from a Shipborne Wave Radar; Thomas Bruns, Susanne Lehner, Katrin Hessner, Wolfgang Rosenthal

Presentation - Paper: Measurement of Ocean Waves with RADARSAT-2 Fully Polarimetric SAR Image; Biao Zhang, Will Perrie and Yijun He

Presentation - Paper: Global ENVISAT ASAR and coastal TerraSAR X Measurements of Sea State for validation of Ocean Wave Models; Susanne Lehner, Xiao Ming, Stephan Brusch, Thomas Bruns, Wolfgang Rosenthal

Presentation - Paper: Satellite Altimeter Detection of Global Extreme Sea States; V. J. Cardone, A. T. Cox, M. A. Morrone, V.R. Swail


Session F: Wave Measurement 2 - Extreme Waves
Chair: Sverre Haver


Presentation - Paper: Extreme waves in Canadian coastal waters; Johannes Gemmrich, Chris Garrett, Keith Thompson

Presentation - Paper: Accurately quantified cases of extreme waves in visual VOS data: freaks or wind wave extremes? Vika Grigorieva and Sergey Gulev

Presentation - Paper: The Directional Spreading of the Draupner Wave and Sea-State; Thomas AA Adcock and Paul H Taylor

Presentation - Paper: Significant Wave Height and Low Frequency Cutoffs at Canadian Moored Buoys During Extreme Storms; Doug Mercer, Bridget Thomas

Presentation - Paper: North Sea Cases of Extreme Individual Waves; Wolfgang Rosenthal and S. Lehner

Session G: Wave Measurement 3 - In Situ
Chair: Andrew Cox


Presentation - Paper: Status of and Plans for the Wave Measurement Program at NOAA's National Data Buoy Center; Richard Bouchard, Chung-Chu Teng, Rodney Riley, and William H. Burnett

Presentation - Paper: Pacific Island Land Ocean Typhoon (PILOT) Experiment Update and Results from St. Croix; Stanley J. Boc, Kent K Hathaway

Presentation - Paper: Long-term Drag Coefficient Measurements in the Coastal Zone; Harry C. Friebel, Jeffrey L. Hanson, Donald Resio, Alexander Benilov


Session H: Wave Measurement 4 - Intercomparison
Chair: Boram Lee


Presentation - Paper: An inter-comparison of hindcast and measured wave data: implications for beach recharge design; A. P. Bradbury and T. E. Mason

Presentation - Paper: A Comparison of Two Methods for Determining Wave Heights from a Discus Buoy with a Strapped-Down Accelerometer; LC Bender, NL Guinasso Jr., JN Walpert, SD Howden

Presentation - Paper: What is true sea state?; Anne Karin Magnusson

Presentation - Paper: Directional Wave Measurements: Answering the Question of Ground Truth; R.E. Jensen, V.R. Swail, W.A. O'Reilly

Discussion Session - Wave Measurement Chair: Robert Jensen

DBCP Pilot Project on Wave measurement Evaluation and Test side meeting (open, Chair: Boram Lee/Val Swail)


Wednesday, October 21st


Session I: Wave Modelling 1 - Wave Breaking
Chair: Al Osborne


Presentation Modelling of depth-induced wave breaking over sloping and horizontal beds; André J. van der Westhuysen

Presentation Depth-Induced Breaking Characteristics for Hurricane-Generated Waves; Fumin Xu, Will Perrie

Presentation Predicting the wave breaking onset; Alexander Babanin, Dmitry Chalikov, Ian Young

Presentation Coastal Wave Energy Dissipation: Observations and STWAVE-FP Performance; Jeffrey L. Hanson, Harry C. Friebel, Kent K. Hathaway

Presentation Incorporating Breaking Wave Predictions In Spectral Wave Forecast Models; Michael Banner, Russel Morison

Session J: Wave Modelling 2 - The Nonlinear Source Term
Chair: Robert Jensen


Presentation Progress in the neural network parameterisation of the mapping of wave–spectra onto nonlinear interaction source terms; Kathrin Wahle, Heinz Guenther, Helmut Schiller

Presentation Practical Nonlinear Interaction Algorithms; Hendrik L. Tolman

Presentation Application of the TSA method for the computation of non-linear four-wave interactions in operational third-generation wave models; Gerbrant van Vledder

Presentation A Comparison of the Phillips Integral for Wave-Wave Interactions to the Full Boltzmann Integral for Wave-Wave Interactions in Wind-Driven Seas; Donald T. Resio, Charles E. Long, William Perrie

Presentation Representation of the Broad-Scale Spectral Form in the Two-Scale Approximation for the Full Boltzmann Integral; Charles E. Long and Donald T. Resio


Session K: Wave Modelling 3 - Model Performance
Chair: Hendrik Tolman

Presentation Spherical Multiple-Cell Grid to Include the Arctic in Global Ocean Wave Model; Jian-Guo Li

Presentation Validation of a Multi - Grid WAVEWATCH III Modeling System; Arun Chawla, Hendrik L. Tolman, Jeffrey L. Hanson, Eve-Marie Devaliere, Vera M. Gerald

Presentation Wave Simulation using SWAN in Nested and Unnested Mode Applications; Roop Lalbeharry and Hal Ritchie


Session L: Wave Modelling 4 - Variations
Chair: Michael Banner


Presentation Hyperfast Wave Modeling In The Coastal Zone; A. R. Osborne

Presentation On Domination of Nonlinear Wave Interaction in the Energy Balance of Wind-Driven Sea; Vladimir Zakharov

Presentation A New Generation of Source Term Balance: Back to the Future or Forward to the Past?; Donald T. Resio, William Perrie, Charles E. Long

Presentation On the algorithm of improving of existing wind input parameterization; Andrei Pushkarev, Don Resio, Vladimir Zakharov


Thursday, October 22nd


Session M: Nearshore and Coastal Waves 1
Chair: Jennifer Irish

Presentation Waves, Surge and Damage on the Bolivar Peninsula during Hurricane Ike; Andrew Kennedy, Matild Dosa, Francisco Zarama, Jonathan Rager, Uriah Gravois, Brian Zachry, Spencer Rogers, and Asbury Sallenger

Presentation Nearshore Waves during Hurricane Gustav; Jane Smith

Presentation Low-frequency wind wave penetration in a tidal inlet system during a severe winter storm; Gerbrant van Vledder, Jeroen Adema, Olger Koop, François Enet, Andre van der Westhuysen

Presentation Predicting sea and swell energy on the reef-fringed shoreline of Ipan, Guam; Anne-Christine N. Pequignet, Janet M. Becker, Mark A. Merrifield, Stanley J. Boc and Cheryl Pollock

Presentation Application of UnSWAN for wave hindcasting in the Dutch Wadden Sea; Marcel Zijlema

Presentation SWAN-type model sensitivity study for shallow water processes in the Mackenzie Delta; Md. Azharul Hoque, William Perrie, Steven M. Solomon



Session N: Nearshore and Coastal Waves II
Chair: Don Resio


Presentation EPIRUS: an integrated "clouds-to-coast" ensemble modelling framework of coastal flood risk; Qingping Zou, Yongping Chen, Ian Cluckie, Richard Hewston, Xin Lv, Shunqi Pan, Zhong Peng, Dominic Reeve

Presentation Extreme Hurricane Surge Estimation for Texas Coastal Bridges Using Dimensionless Surge Response Functions; Youn Kyung Song, Jennifer L., Irish, Ikpoto Udoh, Kuang-An Chang

Presentation Numerical Simulations of Vegetated Wave Hydrodynamics for Practical Applications; Mary E. Anderson, Jennifer L. Irish, Jane McKee Smith, and Mir Emad Mousavi

Presentation Statistical properties of hurricane surge along an idealized coast; Jennifer L. Irish, Donald T. Resio, and David Divoky

Presentation Anthropogenic Storms in the Baltic Sea and the Coastal Response; Victor Alari, Ants Erm, Urmas Raudsepp


Friday, October 23rd


Session O: Operational Forecasting 1 - Ensembles and Extremes
Chair: Serge Desjardins


Presentation Development of a Wave Ensemble Wave Forecasting System at the Met Office; François-Xavier Bocquet

Presentation Performance of the ocean wave ensemble forecast system at NCEP; Degui Cao, Hendrik Tolman, H.S.Chen, Arun Chawla and Vera M. Gerald

Presentation Canadian Ensemble Wave Forecast System; Syd Peel and Roop Lalbeharry

Presentation Contribution of a new 3rd generation wave model at Meteo-France; Jean-Michel Lefèvre, Lotfi Aouf, Fabrice Ardhuin, Pierre Queffeulou

Presentation Extreme Sea State Prediction at ECMWF; Jean-Raymond Bidlot and Peter A.E.M. Janssen



Session R: Operational Forecasting 2 - Forecast Systems
Chair: Jean Bidlot


Presentation Technique for Preparing Gridded Wind Fields to Enhance Ambient and Tropical Cyclone Wave Hindcasting Capabilities; Emma Foster, Mark Szyszka, and Alfons Lemm

Presentation The impact of cut-off on the combined assimilation of altimeters and ASAR wave spectra in the 3G wave model; Lotfi Aouf, Jean-Michel Lefèvre

Presentation The improvement of JMA operational wave forecasting system; Nadao Kohno, Koichi Murotani, Hiroaki Minematsu, and Daisuke Miura

Presentation An Operational Forecast System with Third-generational Wave Model Used in the Shanghai Regional Meteorology Center; YunXia Zheng, LI Yongping, YU Runling

Presentation Operational wind-wave forecasting system for the Gulf of Mexico; José Antonio Salinas Prieto, Roberto Padilla Hernández, Fernando Oropeza Rosales, René Lobato Sánchez