Sunday November 10
6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Workshop Registration Desk Open at Sheraton Hotel
6:30 - 10:00 p.m. Icebreaker - Sheraton Hotel
Monday November 11
7:30 - 8:30 a.m. Workshop Registration Desk Open
8:30 a.m. Welcome and Introduction
Session A: Vincent J. Cardone Special Session
Chair: Val Swail
A1 | Emerging Formulations for Revised Wave Physics |
8:50 a.m. | Donald Resio |
| Presenter: Resio Download Presentation |
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A2 | The October 29, 2018 storm in Northern Italy – an exceptional event and its wave and surge modelling |
9:10 a.m. | Luigi Cavaleri, M.Bajo, F.Barbariol, M.Bastianini, A.Benetazzo, L.Bertotti, J.Chiggiato, S.Davolio, C.Ferrarin, L.Magnusson, A.Papa, P.Pezzutto, A.Pomaro and G.Umgiesser |
| Presenter: Cavaleri Download Presentation |
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A3 | A Hybrid Approach to Assessing Tropical Cyclone Wind and Pressure Fields |
9:30 a.m. | James M. Done, Greg Holland and Ming Ge |
| Presenter: Holland Download Presentation |
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A4 | Kinematic Analysis of Ocean Winds: Past, Present, and Future |
9:50 a.m. | Andrew Cox |
| Presenter: Cox Download Presentation |
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10:10 a.m. Break
Session B: Wave Measurement - 1
Chair: Kevin Ewans
B1 | The Legacy of FLOSSIE (Field Laboratory for Ocean Sea State Investigation and Experimentation) Evaluation of Wave Measurements Onboard a 6N NOMAD |
10:40 a.m. | Robert E. Jensen, V. Swail, R.H. Bouchard, S.C. Dillon, C. Hall and S. DiNapoli |
| Presenter: Swail Download Presentation |
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B2 | Wave spectral shapes and parameters as measured by three different wave sensors |
11:00 a.m. | Anne Karin Magnusson, Robert E. Jensen and V. Swail |
| Presenter: Magnusson Download Presentation |
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B3 | Further Study on the Accuracy of NDBC Wave Measurements and Their Possible Impact on Wave Climate Trends |
11:20 a.m. | Richard H. Bouchard and Robert E. Jensen |
| Presenter: Bouchard Download Presentation |
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B4 | Comparison of the performance and characteristics of MetOcean and TriAxys Wave Buoys |
11:40 a.m. | Jane Warne and Joel Cabrie |
| Presenter: Warne Download Presentation |
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Session BB: Wave Modelling - 1
Chair: Gerbrant van Vledder
BB1 | Assessing the added value of using a Wave Boundary Layer Model in a coupled wave-atmosphere model system |
10:40 a.m. | Anne Wiese, Jana Fischereit, Xiaoli Guo Larsén and Joanna Staneva |
| Presenter: Wiese Download Presentation |
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BB2 | The Unresolved Obstacles Source Term, application cases on regular and triangular meshes |
11:00 a.m. | Lorenzo Mentaschi, Giovanni Besio, Michalis Vousdoukas and Luc Feyen |
| Presenter: Mentaschi Download Presentation |
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BB3 | Determination of model accuracy and uncertainties during severe events using point observations, satellite data and model ensembles |
11:20 a.m. | Ali Abdolali, Andre Van Der Westhuysen, Saeed Moghimi, Aron Roland, Zaizhong Ma, Avichal Mehra, Arun Chawla, Sergey Vinogradov, Edward Myers and Nicole Kurkowski |
| Presenter: Abdolali Download Presentation |
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BB4 | Deterministic wave prediction for directional sea-states in real-time using Artificial Neural Network |
11:40 a.m. | Yun Zhi Law, Harrif Santo, Kian Yew Lim and Eng Soon Chan |
| Presenter: Yun Zhi Law Download Presentation |
| |
12:00 p.m. Lunch
Session C: Wave Measurement - 2
Chair: Anne Karin Magnusson
C1 | On the concurrency of wave and crest height characteristics at two neighbouring wave buoys |
1:30 p.m. | Ole Johan Aarnes, Birgitte Furevik, Anne Karin Magnusson, Odin Gramstad, Elzbieta Bitner-Gregersen and Harald Tholo |
| Presenter: Aarnes Download Presentation |
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C2 | A spectral description for extreme sea states offshore Denmark: Part I Power spectral density function |
1:50 p.m. | Kevin Ewans, Hans Hansen and Allan Rod Zeeberg |
| Presenter: Ewans Download Presentation |
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C3 | Lagrangian Measurement of Waves by Buoys |
2:10 p.m. | M.L. McAllister and T.S. van den Bremer |
| Presenter: McAllister Download Presentation |
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C4 | Innovations in low-cost metocean buoys for aerial deployments
2:30 p.m. | Pieter Smit and Tim Janssen |
| Presenter: Smit Download Presentation |
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Session CC: Storm Surge Hindcast
Chair: Kevin Horsburgh
CC1 | Hindcasting Storm Surge and Overland Flooding at High Resolution using Delftd-3D Flexible Mesh: Case study - Xynthia Storm, France |
1:30 p.m. | Trang Minh Duong, Jeremy Bricker, Johan Reyns, Remi Meynadier, Bas Jonkman and Roshanka Ranasinghe |
| Presenter: Duong Download Presentation |
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CC2 | Hindcast of Typhoon Jebi (2018) storm surge, wave and flood using a coupled model of surge, wave, wave runup and overtopping |
1:50 p.m. | Sooyoul Kim, Nobuhito Mori, Tetsuya Takemi, Yoko Shibutani, Tomohiro Yasuda, Sota Nakajo, Tomoya Shimura, Junichi Ninomiya and Hajime Mase |
| Presenter: Mori Download Presentation |
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CC3 | Reconstruction of the record storm tide in March 1906 in the German Bight |
2:10 p.m. | Elke Meyer, Ralf Weisse, Birger Tinz and Thomas Möller |
| Presenter: Meyer |
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CC4 | Observations and simulations of meteotsunamis in south-western Australia |
2:30 p.m. | Charitha Pattiaratchi |
| Presenter: Pattiaratchi Download Presentation |
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2:50 p.m. Break and Poster Session
Session D: Wave Measurement - 3
Chair: Richard Bouchard
D1 | CDIP Wave Observations and Coastal Inundation Forecasting |
3:50 p.m. | James Behrens, EricTerrill, Mark Merrifield and Robert Jensen |
| Presenter: Behrens Download Presentation |
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D2 | Several improvements in the methods for estimating directional spectra observed with a submerged Doppler-type directional wave meter |
4:10 p.m. | Noriaki Hashimoto |
| Presenter: Hashimoto Download Presentation |
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D3 | Design of a Generation-to-Shoreline Monitoring Network using Drifting Wave Buoys |
4:30 p.m. | Sophia Merrifield, Tony DePaolo, Mark Otero, Allison Ho and Eric Terrill |
| Presenter: Merrifield |
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D4 | Sentinel-1, WAVEWATCH III and buoy spectral comparisons in the Southern Ocean |
4:50 p.m. | Salman Khan, Emilio Echevarria and Mark Hemer |
| Presenter: Khan Download Presentation |
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Session DD: Coastal Modelling
Chair: Jane McKee Smith
DD1 | Extreme water levels in the Baltic Sea as a combination of different compounds |
3:50 p.m. | Lidia Gaslikova, Nikolaus Groll and Ralf Weisse |
| Presenter: Gaslikova |
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DD2 | SFINCS A fast model for predicting coastal flooding |
4:10 p.m. | Maarten van Ormondt, Ap van Dongeren, Tim Leijnse and Kees Nederhoff |
| Presenter: van Ormondt Download Presentation |
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DD3 | A New Paradigm in Coastal and Nearshore Wave Modeling |
4:30 p.m. | Jeffrey Hanson, Rick Luettich and Brian Blanton |
| Presenter: Hanson Download Presentation |
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DD4 | Force Globally, Flood Locally: Advances in High-Resolution Global Coastal Flood Modelling |
4:50 p.m. | William Pringle, Keith Roberts, Damrongsak Wirasaet, Maria Teresa Contreras Vargas, Joannes Westerink, Edward Myers, Saeed Moghimi and Sergey Vinogradov |
| Presenter: Pringle Download Presentation |
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DD5 | Wave Overtopping in the City Scale Coupled Hydrodynamic/Hydraulic Numerical Inundation Model: CFAST |
5:10 p.m. | Julian G. O’Grady, Raymond C. Z. Cohen, Mahesh Prakash, Kathy L. McInnes and Ron K. Hoeke |
| Presenter: O'Grady Download Presentation |
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5:30 p.m. Sessions end for day
Tuesday November 12
Session E: Storm Surge Modelling - 1
Chair: Don Resio
E1 | Multi-physics Coastal Storm Surge Modeling in Alaska in Highly Fractured Ice Scenarios |
8:30 a.m. | Joannes Westerink and 18 others |
| Presenter: Westerink Download Presentation |
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E2 | High-Fidelity Coastal Coupling of WAVEWATCH III and ADCIRC using an ESMF-based framework |
8:50 a.m. | Andre van der Westhuysen, Saeed Moghimi, Ali Abdolali, Sergey Vinogradov, Zaizhong Ma and Edward Myers |
| Presenter: Abdolali Download Presentation |
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E3 | Coastal hazards: coupling of ocean and atmosphere through a dynamic wave interface |
9:10 a.m. | Joanna Staneva, Sebastian Grayek, Arno Behrens, Corinna Schrum and Marcel Ricker |
| Presenter: Staneva Download Presentation |
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E4 | The Influence of the Vertical Current Structure on the Scaling of Wind and Wave Driven Surges in the Nearshore Region |
9:30 a.m. | Amanda S. Tritinger and Donald T. Resio |
| Presenter: Tritinger Download Presentation |
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Session EE: Waves and Sea Ice
Chair: Alex Babanin
EE1 | New aspects of waves in ice – observations and idealized modeling |
8:30 a.m. | Johannes Gemmrich |
| Presenter: Gemmrich |
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EE2 | Spectral modelling of ice-induced wave decay with dispersion relation sea ice models: comparisons and limitations |
8:50 a.m. | Qingxiang Liu, W. Erick Rogers, Alexander V. Babanin, Jingkai Li and Changlong Guan |
| Presenter: Liu Download Presentation |
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EE3 | Predictability of waves near marginal ice zones during R/V Mirai observational campaigns |
9:10 a.m. | Takehiko Nose, Takuji Waseda, Tsubasa Kodaira, Jun Inoue and Kazutoshi Sato |
| Presenter: Nose Download Presentation |
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EE4 | Evolution of Soliton Measurement and Modelling |
9:30 a.m. | Steve Buchan and Kenji Shimizu |
| Presenter: Buchan Download Presentation |
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9:50 a.m. Break and Poster Session
Session F: Storm Surge Climatology
Chair: Charitha Pattiaratchi
F1 | Quantifying extreme sea level frequency changes and the emergence of tidal inundation in Australia |
10:40 a.m. | Ben Hague, Brad Murphy, David Jones and Andy Taylor |
| Presenter: Hague Download Presentation |
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F2 | Storm tracks associated with extreme storm surges and coastal currents in Southern Australia |
11:00 a.m. | Yasha Hetzel, Charitha Pattiaratchi and Simone Cosoli |
| Presenter: Hetzel Download Presentation |
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F3 | Statistical analysis of storm surge hazard on China coast |
11:20 a.m. | Xiang Fu |
| Presenter: Fu Download Presentation |
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F4 | Estimating Global Extreme Sea Levels and the Resulting Impacts for the 21st Century |
11:40 a.m. | Ebru Kirezci and Ian Young |
| Presenter: Kirezci Ebru Download Presentation |
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Session FF: Air-sea Interaction
Chair: Nobuhito Mori
FF1 | Refining Air-Sea Interactions Through Floating Wind Profilers |
10:40 a.m. | Greg Williams |
| Presenter: Williams Download Presentation |
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FF2 | Laboratory study on air-sea CO2 exchange during wave breaking |
11:00 a.m. | Shuo Li, Alexander Babanin, Dejun Dai and Shumin Jiang |
| Presenter: Li Shuo Download Presentation |
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FF3 | Investigation of the Impact of Ocean Waves on Development of Explosive Cyclone with a Coupled Model |
11:20 a.m. | Yuki Kita and Takuji Waseda |
| Presenter: Kita Download Presentation |
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FF4 | Impact of estimation methods of drag coefficient at sea surface on typhoon Haiyan using high-resolution air-sea-wave coupled model |
11:40 a.m. | Junichi Ninomiya, Nobuhito Mori and Tetsuya Takemi |
| Presenter: Ninomiya Download Presentation |
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12:00 p.m. Lunch
Session G: Rogue Waves
Chair: Al Osborne
G1 | Ocean Currents Trigger Rogue Waves |
1:30 p.m. | Alessandro Toffoli, Guillaume Ducrozet and Takuji Waseda |
| Presenter: Toffoli Download Presentation |
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G2 | Rogue wave warning based on spectral wave forecasting |
1:50 p.m. | Odin Gramstad, Elzbieta Bitner-Gregersen, Ole Johan Aarnes, Øyvind Breivik, Anne Karin Magnusson and Mika Malila |
| Presenter: Gramstad Download Presentation |
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G3 | Extreme wave events and sampling variability |
2:10 p.m. | Elzbieta M. Bitner-Gregersen, Odin Gramstad, Anne Karin Magnusson and Mika Malila |
| Presenter: Bitner-Gregersen Download Presentation |
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G4 | Probability of Occurrence of Extreme Events in Directional JONSWAP Sea States |
2:30 p.m. | C. Kirezci and A. V. Babanin |
| Presenter: Kirezci Cagil Download Presentation |
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Session GG: Storm Surge Operational Forecasting - 1
Chair: Diana Greenslade
GG1 | Development of a Storm Surge Forecasting and Warning System for the Philippines |
1:30 p.m. | Maria Cristina C. Uson, Paul Rivera, Cynthia P. Celebre and Cecilia A. Monteverde |
| Presenter: Uson Download Presentation |
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GG2 | Latest Developments to Improve Operational Storm Surge and Tide Operational Forecasting Systems at the U.S. National Ocean Service |
1:50 p.m. | Sergey Vinogradov, Edward Myers, Saeed Moghimi, Yuji Funakoshi and Jaime Calzada |
| Presenter: Vinogradov Download Presentation |
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GG3 | Coastal Flooding Risk Post Processing, Guidance to Assist Prediction Services |
2:10 p.m. | Devon Telford |
| Presenter: Telford Download Presentation |
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2:50 p.m. Break and Poster Session
Session H: Wave Theory - 1
Chair: Hendrik Tolman
H1 | HF radar investigation of source terms in the Hasselmann equation |
3:50 p.m. | Stuart Anderson |
| Presenter: Anderson Download Presentation |
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H2 | Quantification of the central role of quadruplet wave interactions on wave model performance |
4:10 p.m. | Gerbrant van Vledder |
| Presenter: van Vledder Download Presentation |
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H3 | Scaling of the energy dissipation rate due to breaking deep-water surface waves |
4:30 p.m. | Nick Pizzo and W. Kendall Melville |
| Presenter: Pizzo Download Presentation |
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H4 | Nonlinear Ocean Waves Amplification (NOWA) in Straits: Surface Wind Waves Energy Pipelines in Fourier-Real Space |
4:50 p.m. | Andrei Pushkarev and Vladimir Zakharov |
| Presenter: Pushkarev Download Presentation |
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H5 | Experiments on wind-waves in a laboratory tank and their implications for wind-wave modeling |
5:10 p.m. | Lev Shemer |
| Presenter: Shemer Download Presentation |
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Session HH: Storm Surge Operational Forecasting - 2
Chair: Joannes Westerink
HH1 | An ensemble storm surge forecast system for tropical cyclones |
3:50 p.m. | Stewart Allen, Diana Greenslade, Andy Taylor and Frank Colberg |
| Presenter: Allen Download Presentation |
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HH2 | Is the UK’s operational storm surge forecast model improved by increased resolution and addition of wetting and drying? |
4:10 p.m. | Clare O’Neill and Andy Saulter |
| Presenter: O'Neill Download Presentation |
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HH3 | Tide-Surge Interaction in Ensemble Total Water Level Forecasts |
4:30 p.m. | N.B. Bernier, O. Huziy, P. Wang, S. Peel, B. Pouliot and K.R. Thompson |
| Presenter: Bernier Download Presentation |
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HH4 | KMA's Operational Marine Prediction and Forecasting System |
4:50 p.m. | Sung Hyup You |
| Presenter: You Download Presentation |
| |
5:30 p.m. Sessions end for day
Wednesday November 13
Session I: Wave Research Initiatives for Australia
Chair: Stefan Zieger
I1 | The Victorian Coastal Monitoring Program |
8:30 a.m. | Lawrance Ferns |
| Presenter: Ferns Download Presentation |
| |
I2 | Nearshore wave observations and modelling to understand and manage coastal hazard risks in New South Wales, Australia |
8:50 a.m. | Michael Kinsela, Bradley Morris, Tim Ingleton, David Hanslow, David Taylor, Sean Garber, Ed Couriel, Hannah Power and Mitchell Harley |
| Presenter: Kinsela Download Presentation |
| |
I3 | A new national research initiative to deliver the knowledge framework & practical guidelines for an Australian Storm Wave Damage and Beach Erosion Early Warning System |
9:10 a.m. | Ian Turner and 18 others |
| Presenter: Turner Download Presentation |
| |
I4 | 15 priorities for wind-waves research: An Australian perspective |
9:30 a.m. | Diana Greenslade, Mark Hemer, Alex Babanin, Ryan Lowe, Ian Turner, Hannah Power, Ian Young, Daniel Ierodiaconou, Greg Hibbert and Greg Williams |
| Presenter: Greenslade Download Presentation |
| |
Session II: Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Project
Chair: Val Swail
II1 | Coastal Inundation Forecasting for Cyclone in Bay of Bengal: Case study from Bangladesh |
8:30 a.m. | Bapon Fakhruddin, Nadao Kohno and Quamrul Hassan |
| Presenter: Fakhruddin Download Presentation |
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II2 | End To End of Coastal Inundation Forecasting System in Indonesia |
8:50 a.m. | Nelly F. Riama, Bayu Edo Pratama and Andri Ramdhani |
| Presenter: Pratama Download Presentation |
| |
II3 | Distant-source swell events cause coastal inundation on Fiji’s Coral Coast |
9:10 a.m. | Moritz Wandres, Jérome Aucan, Naomi Jackson, Antoine De Ramon N’Yeurt and Hervé Damlamian |
| Presenter: Wandres Download Presentation |
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II4 | Storm surge forecast in Fiji Meteorological Service |
9:30 a.m. | Misaeli Funaki, Stephen Meke, Sakeasi Waibuta, Leonard Bale and Nadao Kohno |
| Presenter: Kohno Download Presentation |
| |
9:50 a.m. Break and Poster Session
Session J: Wave Theory - 2
Chair: Andrei Pushkarev
J1 | Modelling statistical wave interferences over shear currents |
10:40 a.m. | Marcel Zijlema, Gal Akrish, Pieter Smit and Ad Reniers |
| Presenter: Zijlema Download Presentation |
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J2 | Directional Properties of Wind-Generated Surface Waves |
11:00 a.m. | Luc Lenain, Nick Statom and W. Kendall Melville |
| Presenter: Lenain Download Presentation |
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J3 | Discerning the world ocean wave fields from long-term spectral wave data |
11:20 a.m. | Jesús Portilla-Yandún |
| Presenter: Portilla Download Presentation |
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J4 | Are the crest height distributions in laboratory generated waves and in the ocean waves similar? |
11:40 a.m. | Gunnar Lian and Sverre Haver |
| Presenter: Lian Download Presentation |
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Session JJ: Coastal Forecasting - 1
Chair: Ali Abdolali
JJ1 | Combining Ocean, Wave, Hydrologic, Riverine Flow Models at a Local and Regional Scale along the East Coast of the United States |
10:40 a.m. | Trey Flowers, Hendrik Tolman, Thomas Graziano, Edward Clark, Roham Bakhtyar, Nicole Kurkowski, Kazungu Maitaria, Saeed Moghimi, Beheen Trimble and Panagiotis Velissariou |
| Presenter: Flowers Download Presentation |
| |
JJ2 | Modelling combination hazard in an estuary from river and storm tide flooding |
11:00 a.m. | Lisa Harrison, Tom Coulthard, Christopher Skinner, Peter Robins, Matt Lewis and Sue Manson |
| Presenter: Lewis Download Presentation |
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JJ3 | Towards coupling coastal ocean models to inland hydrology at NOAA National Ocean Service |
11:20 a.m. | Saeed Moghimi and 25 others |
| Presenter: Moghimi Download Presentation |
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JJ4 | Coastal Storm Modeling System: Applications to the US South Atlantic Coast |
11:40 a.m. | T. Chris Massey |
| Presenter: Massey Download Presentation |
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12:00 p.m. Lunch
Session K: Wave Forecasting - 1
Chair: Jean Bidlot
K1 | Regional data assimilation of in-situ and remote sensed wave height data, using NEMOVAR and a refined grid wave model |
1:30 p.m. | Andy Saulter, Christopher Bunney, Robert King and Jennifer Waters |
| Presenter: Saulter Download Presentation |
| |
K2 | On the assimilation of CFOSAT wave data in the operational CMEMS wave system : improvements and impact on ocean/waves coupling |
1:50 p.m. | Lotfi Aouf, Alice Dalphinet, Danièle Hauser, Bertrand Chapron, Cédric Tourain and Céline Tison |
| Presenter: Aouf Download Presentation |
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K3 | Data assimilation with the Ensemble Kalman Filter in a high-resolution spectral wave model demonstrated on a case in the Southern North Sea |
2:10 p.m. | Jesper Sandvig Mariegaard and Natacha Fery |
| Presenter: Mariegaard Download Presentation |
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K4 | Unified Environmental Modeling from research to operations |
2:30 p.m. | Hendrik L. Tolman |
| Presenter: Tolman Download Presentation |
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Session KK: Storm Surge Modelling - 2
Chair: Thomas Mortlock
KK1 | Impact of waves on storm surges in the North Sea: model evaluation against observations |
1:30 p.m. | Lucia Pineau-Guillou, Marie-Noëlle Bouin, Fabrice Ardhuin, Florent Lyard and Jean Bidlot |
| Presenter: Pineau-Guillou Download Presentation |
| |
KK2 | Storm Surge Modeling in the Southern of Java using Coupling 4D-VAR Circulation-Waves Model : EnsembleKF and Multi-Verification Approach |
1:50 p.m. | Khafid Rizki Pratama and Ejha Larasati Siadari |
| Presenter: Pratama Khafid Rizki Download Presentation |
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KK3 | Storm surge model sensitivity to uncertain inputs |
2:10 p.m. | Simon Warder, Kevin Horsburgh and Matthew Piggott |
| Presenter: Warder Download Presentation |
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KK4 | 1921 Shark Bay Tropical Cyclone: Understanding the extreme storm surge and its implications |
2:30 p.m. | J.M. Aldridge, J. Christensen, A.D. Switzer, D.R. Taylor, J.W. Churchill and H.M. Watson |
| Presenter: Aldridge Download Presentation |
| |
2:50 p.m. Break and Poster Session
Session L: Wave Forecasting - 2
Chair: Andrew Saulter
L1 | Updates to the Global Wave Forecast System at NCEP: wave-current coupling, physics optimization, high-resolution grids, and coupling to the Global Atmospheric Forecast System GFS |
3:50 p.m. | Jose-Henrique Alves, Deanna Spindler and Jessica Meixner |
| Presenter: Alves Download Presentation |
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L2 | Assessment and Calibration of an Operational Wave Forecast for the Brazilian Coast |
4:10 p.m. | Ricardo Martins Campos, Andressa D´Agostini and Bruna Reis |
| Presenter: Campos Download Presentation |
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L3 | Extreme wave predictions around the southern African coastline |
4:30 p.m. | James D. Dykes, Christo Rautenbach, Marc de Vos, Tania Williams, Michael A. Barnes and David Wang |
| Presenter: Dykes Download Presentation |
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L4 | Towards an atmospheric-waves coupled operational system at DWD |
4:50 p.m. | Mikhail Dobrynin, Oliver Sievers and Thomas Bruns |
| Presenter: Dobrynin Download Presentation |
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L5 | Recent updates of JMA’s wave models and their products |
5:10 p.m. | Takahiro Ito and Nadao Kohno |
| Presenter: Ito Download Presentation |
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Session LL: Wave Climatology
Chair: Li Erikson
LL1 | Global swell from Voluntary Observing Ships data |
3:50 p.m. | V. Grigorieva and S. Gulev |
| Presenter: Grigorieva Download Presentation |
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LL2 | Added value of spectra data against standard sea state parameters for wave climate studies |
4:10 p.m. | M. Menéndez, O. Mazzaretto, H. Lobeto and A. Espejo |
| Presenter: Menendez Download Presentation |
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LL3 | Climate driver impacts on global ocean surface wave variability and extremes |
4:30 p.m. | Andrew G Marshall, Harry H Hendon, Mark A Hemer, Kathleen L McInnes and Tom H. Durrant |
| Presenter: Marshall Download Presentation |
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LL4 | Modeling analysis of extreme waves along the U.S. coast of Pacific Ocean |
4:50 p.m. | Zhaoqing Yang, Gabriel García-Medina and Taiping Wang |
| Presenter: Yang Zhaoqing Download Presentation |
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LL5 | Southern Ocean Wave Atlas |
5:10 p.m. | Tom Durrant, Jorge Perez, Peter McComb, Henrique Rapizo, Rafael Guedes and Sally Garrett |
| Presenter: Durrant Download Presentation |
| |
5:30 p.m. Sessions end for day
7:00 p.m. Banquet - Sheraton Ballroom
Thursday November 14
Session M: Mark A. Donelan Special Session
Chair: Luigi Cavaleri
M1 | Non-linear Fourier Analysis of Ocean Waves |
8:30 a.m. | Alfred R. Osborne |
| Presenter: Osborne Download Presentation |
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M2 | Revised parameterization of wave induced turbulent kinetic energy for upper ocean surface mixing |
8:50 a.m. | Nobuhito Mori, Masashi Takagi, Junichi Ninomiya and Tomoya Shimura |
| Presenter: Mori Download Presentation |
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M3 | Connection Between Time Scales: Turbulence, Waves, Weather, Climate |
9:10 a.m. | Alexander V. Babanin |
| Presenter: Babanin Download Presentation |
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M4 | Surface Wave Spectral Properties of Centimeter to Decameter Wavelengths:
Microwave Remote Sensing Observations in Mild to Extreme Wind Conditions
9:30 a.m. | Paul A. Hwang |
| Presenter: Hwang Download Presentation |
| |
9:50 a.m. Break and Poster Session
Session N: Coastal Forecasting - 2
Chair: Moritz Wandres
N1 | Analysis of wave and sea level condition causing extreme beach erosion along the Uruguayan coast |
10:40 a.m. | Sebastián Solari and Rodrigo Alonso |
| Presenter: Solari Download Presentation |
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N2 | The role of lagoons in determining coastal impacts from tropical cyclones along reef-fronted coastlines |
11:00 a.m. | Jeff E. Hansen, Michael V.W. Cuttler and Dirk P. Rijnsdorp |
| Presenter: Hansen Download Presentation |
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N3 | BG: an adaptive, open-source, GPU capable, general inundation model |
11:20 a.m. | Cyprien Bosserelle, Emily Lane and Wolfgang Hayek |
| Presenter: Bosserelle Download Presentation |
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N4 | Global contributions to extreme sea levels at reef coastlines |
11:40 a.m. | Ryan J. Lowe, Ellen Quataert, Robert McCall, Ap van Dongeren, Jose A.A. Antolínez, Mark Buckley, Jeff Hansen and Stuart G. Pearson |
| Presenter: Lowe Download Presentation |
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Session NN: Wave Design Criteria
Chair: Steve Buchan
NN1 | How to account for simultaneous occurrence of wind sea and swell when assessing extreme response of a floating platform? |
10:40 a.m. | Sverre Haver |
| Presenter: Haver Download Presentation |
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NN2 | Design Tropical Cyclone Wind and Waves for North Western Australia |
11:00 a.m. | Jeff Kepert, Stefan Zieger, Saima Aijaz, Diana Greenslade and Aaron Wassing |
| Presenter: Kepert Download Presentation |
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NN3 | On the selection of the most impactful storms from a synthetic Tropical Cyclone database |
11:20 a.m. | S. Zieger, J. Kepert, P. Jonathan, S. Aijaz and D. Greenslade |
| Presenter: Zieger Download Presentation |
| |
NN4 | Projections of directional wave climate change in Australia using a statistical-synoptic typing approach |
11:40 a.m. | T.R. Mortlock, I.D. Goodwin and Z. Baille |
| Presenter: Mortlock Download Presentation |
| |
12:00 p.m. Lunch
Session O: Coastal Wave - 1
Chair: Johannes Gemmrich
O1 | Storm waves at the coast: a new dataset with a wide variety of swell-dominated vs wind-wave dominated conditions |
1:30 p.m. | Oliver Billson, Paul Russell and Andy Plater |
| Presenter: Billson Download Presentation |
| |
O2 | Wave-driven extreme water levels on coral and rocky reef coastlines |
1:50 p.m. | Mark L. Buckley, Ryan J. Lowe, Jeff E. Hansen, Carly E. Portch, Ap R. van Dongeren, Cameron J. Lockwood, Rebecca H. Green, Michael V. W. Cuttler and Dirk P. Rijnsdorp |
| Presenter: Buckley Download Presentation |
| |
O3 | Extreme Coastal Responses to Focused Wave Groups |
2:10 p.m. | Colin N. Whittaker, Colm J. Fitzgerald, Alison C. Raby and Paul H. Taylor |
| Presenter: Whittaker Download Presentation |
| |
O4 | Nonlinear wave group shoaling |
2:30 p.m. | A. Chabchoub, O. Kimmoun and H.C. Hsu |
| Presenter: Chabchoub Download Presentation |
| |
Session OO: Wave Extreme Value Analysis
Chair: Henrique Alves
OO1 | Regional Frequency Analysis for spatial extreme value analysis of ocean waves |
1:30 p.m. | Erik Vanem |
| Presenter: Vanem Download Presentation |
| |
OO2 | Spatial extremes approach for waves in Gulf of Mexico |
1:50 p.m. | Ryota Wada, Philip Jonathan, Takuji Waseda and Shejun Fan |
| Presenter: Wada Download Presentation |
| |
OO3 | Investigating the reliable extreme wave height estimation methods for Indian territorial waters |
2:10 p.m. | Samayam Satish, S.A. Sannasiraj and Vallam Sundar |
| Presenter: Samayam Download Presentation |
| |
OO4 | Tropical cyclone induced waves: characterization, and contribution to mean wave climatology and extreme wave climate |
2:30 p.m. | Swen Jullien |
| Presenter: Jullien Download Presentation |
| |
2:50 p.m. Break and Poster Session
Session Q: Wave Trend Analysis
Chair: Andrew Cox
Q1 | Historical changes in the Davis Strait Baffin Bay surface winds and waves, 1979-2016 |
3:50 p.m. | Xiaolan L. Wang, M. Casas-Prat, Y. Feng, Alex Crosby and V. R. Swail |
| Presenter: Wang Download Presentation |
| |
Q2 | Changes in extreme waves in the Arctic Ocean |
4:10 p.m. | I.S. Cabral, I.R. Young and A. Toffoli |
| Presenter: de Souza Cabral Download Presentation |
| |
Q3 | Global wave climate trends, what do the Australian buoys tell us? |
4:30 p.m. | Francois Flocard, Mitchell D. Harley, Ian R. Coghlan and Ron J. Cox |
| Presenter: Harley Download Presentation |
| |
Q4 | Investigating sea state trends and variability with new climate-quality satellite altimeter products |
4:50 p.m. | Ben Timmermans and Christine Gommenginger |
| Presenter: Gommenginger Download Presentation |
| |
Q5 | Global trends in wind speed and wave height |
5:10 p.m. | Ian Young and Agustinus Ribal |
| Presenter: Young Download Presentation |
| |
Session QQ: Coastal Wave - 2
Chair: Jenny Brown
QQ1 | Wave Climate from Spectra and its Impact on Longshore Sediment Transport |
3:50 p.m. | Rodrigo Alonso and Sebastián Solar |
| Presenter: Alonso Download Presentation |
| |
QQ2 | Long waves dynamics in the nearshore |
4:10 p.m. | Stephanie Contardo, Ryan Lowe, Jeff Hansen, Graham Symonds, Francois Dufois, Dirk Rijnsdorp and Ron Hoeke |
| Presenter: Contardo Download Presentation |
| |
QQ3 | The impact of nearshore reefs on coastal hydrodynamics and shoreline profiles |
4:30 p.m. | Andrew W.M Pomeroy |
| Presenter: Pomeroy |
| |
QQ4 | Wave modelling and field measurements in a complex estuary |
4:50 p.m. | Patrick Oosterlo, Gerbrant van Vledder, Bas Hofland, Jentsje van der Meer, Nathanaël Geleynse, Michiel Reneerkens, Gosse Jan Steendam and Marco Veendorp |
| Presenter: Oosterlo Download Presentation |
| |
QQ5 | Modeling of Wave Interaction with Natural and Nature-Based Features |
5:10 p.m. | Jane McKee Smith, Mary Anderson Bryant and Catie Dillon |
| Presenter: Smith Download Presentation |
| |
5:30 p.m. Sessions end for day
Friday November 15
Session R: Wave Reanalysis
Chair: Lotfi Aouf
R1 | ERA5 reanalysis and ERA5-based ocean wave hindcast |
8:30 a.m. | Jean-Raymond Bidlot, Gil Lemos and Alvaro Semedo |
| Presenter: Bidlot Download Presentation |
| |
R2 | WAVERYS : A CMEMS global wave reanalysis during the altimetry period |
8:50 a.m. | Stéphane Law-Chune, Lotfi Aouf and Alice Dalphinet |
| Presenter: Law Chune Download Presentation |
| |
R3 | Wave climate in the North Atlantic Ocean and extreme value analysis |
9:10 a.m. | K. Sasmal, R. Miratsu, T. Kodaira, Y. Kita, T. Zhu, T. Fukui and T. Waseda |
| Presenter: Sasmal Download Presentation |
| |
R4 | Understanding discrepancies in global ocean surface wave climate based on ERA5, MERRA2, ERA-I and CFSR hindcasts |
9:30 p.m. | V. Sharmar, M. Markina and S. Gulev |
| Presenter: Sharmar Download Presentation |
| |
Session RR: Coastal Hazards - 1
Chair:Ap van Dongeren
RR1 | “Grey swan” extra-tropical storm surges pose a greater risk for European flooding than climate change
8:30 a.m. | Kevin Horsburgh, Ivan Haigh, Jane Williams, Judith Wolf and Michela De Dominicis |
| Presenter: Horsburgh Download Presentation |
| |
RR2 | Climate-based wave and storm surge emulator for long-term analysis of coastal flooding and erosion |
8:50 a.m. | Laura Cagigal, Ana Rueda, Dylan Anderson, Peter Ruggiero, Mark A. Merrifield, Giovanni Coco and Fernando J. Méndez |
| Presenter: Cagigal Download Presentation |
| |
RR3 | Probabilistic tropical cyclone inundation hazard assessment, Lenakel, Tanna Island, Vanuatu |
9:10 a.m. | Herve Damlamian, Moritz Wandres, Judith Giblin, Naomi Jackson, Zulfikar Begg, Poate Degei, Salesh Kumar, Jens Kruger, Tony Kanas, Rodhson Aru and Noel Naki |
| Presenter: Wandres Download Presentation |
| |
RR4 | Early warning simulation for coastal inundation vulnerability induced by wave overtopping |
9:30 p.m. | Seung-Won Suh |
| Presenter: Suh Download Presentation |
| |
9:50 a.m. Break and Poster Session
Session S: Wave Climate Change - 1
Chair: Xiaolan Wang
S1 | Robustness and uncertainties in global multivariate wind-wave climate projections |
10:40 a.m. | Joao Morim and 25 others |
| Presenter: Hemer Download Presentation |
| |
S2 | Robust signals of change in the historical global wave climate |
11:00 a.m. | Li Erikson and the COWCLIP Group |
| Presenter: Erikson Download Presentation |
| |
S3 | Changes in global ocean extreme wave heights over the 21st Century |
11:20 a.m. | Alberto Meucci, Ian R. Young and Mark Hemer |
| Presenter: Meucci Download Presentation |
| |
S4 | The Sea State Climate Change Initiative project |
11:40 a.m. | Guillaume Dodet and the Sea State CCI Team |
| Presenter: Dodet Download Presentation |
| |
Session SS: Coastal Hazards - 2
Chair: Chris Massey
SS1 | Modelling of hurricane impacts on barrier islands |
10:40 a.m. | Ap van Dongeren, Marlies van der Lugt, Ellen Quataert, Maarten van Ormondt and Chris Sherwood |
| Presenter: Van Dongeren Download Presentation |
| |
SS2 | Coastal Hazard Mitigation: Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Surge Barriers in Reducing Back Bay Flooding |
11:00 a.m. | Mary A. Cialone, Greg Slusarczyk and Robert Hampson |
| Presenter: Cialone Download Presentation |
| |
SS3 | New field measurements of coastal wave overtopping |
11:20 a.m. | J. Brown, M. Yelland, R. Pascal, T. Pullen, E. Silva, D. Jones, R. Pinnell, C. Cardwell, P. Bell, A. Martin, B. Farrington, I. Gold, C Bird and C. Thompson |
| Presenter: Brown Download Presentation |
| |
SS4 | Storm waves and coastal hazards: Understanding near-shore wave events through studies of boulder transport |
11:40 a.m. | Frederic Dias, James Herterich and Ronadh Cox |
| Presenter: Dias |
| |
12:00 p.m. Lunch
Session T: Wave Climate Change - 2
Chair: Mark Hemer
T1 | Change in the Arctic Ocean wave extremes - coastal and offshore hazards |
1:30 p.m. | Mercè Casas-Prat and Xiaolan L. Wang |
| Presenter: Casas-Prat |
| |
T2 | Trends and variability of waves under scenario RCP8.5 in the Mediterranean Sea |
1:50 p.m. | Giovanni Besio, Lorenzo Mentaschi and Francesco De Leo |
| Presenter: De Leo Download Presentation |
| |
T3 | Determination of oceanic extremes using a spatial ensemble of satellite data |
2:10 p.m. | Alicia Takbash and Ian Young |
| Presenter: Takbash Download Presentation |
| |
T4 | Future Wave Climate Projection for the Northwestern Atlantic |
2:30 p.m. | Adrean Webb, Tomoya Shimura and Nobuhito Mori |
| Presenter: Webb Download Presentation |
| |
2:50 p.m. Closing Remarks
3:20 p.m. Workshop Ends
Session P: Posters - sessions Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
P1 | Adaptive Tx Pulse for Wave Measurements |
| Harald Tholo, Emilie Dorgeville and Richard Butler |
| Presenter: Bird |
| |
P2 | Wave imaging capabilities of the new rotating wave scatterometer SWIM onboard CFOSAT over open ocean and sea ice
| Fabrice Collard and 15 others |
| Presenter: Pineau-Guillou Download Presentation |
| |
P3 | Noise properties of altimeter wave measurements |
| Guillaume Dodet, Yves Quilfen and Fabrice Ardhuin |
| Presenter: Dodet |
| |
P4 | A spectral description for extreme sea states offshore Denmark: Part II Directional spreading function |
| Kevin Ewans, Hans Hansen and Allan Rod Zeeberg |
| Presenter: Ewans Download Presentation |
| |
P5 | Analysis of the multi-modality on the directional wave spectrum |
| Takashi Fujiki, Nobuhito Mori and Koji Kawaguchi |
| Presenter: Fujiki |
| |
P6 | Relative performance of Directional Waverider Buoy, Optec Laser, and Wave Radar during a Tropical Cyclone off the Northwest Coast of Australia |
| Pramod K. Jangir, Kevin Ewans and Alexander V. Babanin |
| Presenter: Jangir Download Presentation |
| |
P7 | Extreme sea state characterization from a Wave-Powered, Unmanned Surface Vessel |
| Sophia Merrifield and Eric Terrill |
| Presenter: Merrifield |
| |
P8 | Wave Rider Buoy network and Wave Forecasting System: Innovations and best Practices from Indian coast |
| Nair T. M. Balakrishnan |
| Presenter: Nair |
| |
P9 | Sea state bias correction in altimetry measurements
using new parametric model |
| S. I. Badulin, V.G. Grigorieva, I.O. Karpov, P.A. Shabanov and V.D. Sharmar |
| Presenter: Grigorieva Download Presentation |
| |
P10 | Global ocean wind speed observed from seven different scatterometers, namely ERS-1, ERS-2, QuikSCAT, Metop-A, OceanSat-2, Metop-B and RapidScat |
| Agustinus Ribal and Ian R. Young |
| Presenter: Ribal |
| |
P11 | Evaluation and bias correction of marine surface winds from CMIP5 and CMIP6 GCMs for wave climate modelling in the western North Pacific |
| M.R. Badriana and H.S. Lee |
| Presenter: Lee Download Presentation |
| |
P12 | A Modified Miles Perspective on Wave Generation by wind |
| Donald T. Resio |
| Presenter: Resio |
| |
P13 | Data assimilation methods to improve the wave predictions in the Black Sea |
| Liliana Rusu |
| Presenter: Rusu Liliana Download Presentation |
| |
P14 | Influence of Assimilating Altimeter Data in WAM |
| Oliver Sievers |
| Presenter: Sievers Download Presentation |
| |
P15 | Real-time forecasting of coastal waves and surface current with assimilation of HF radar in the Bali Strait |
| Khafid Rizki Pratama, Ejha Larasati Siadari and Bayu Edo Pratama |
| Presenter: Pratama Khafid Rizki |
| |
P16 | Innovative Wave Transformation Algorithm for Improved Short-term Wave Forecasting |
| Sean Garber, David Taylor and Jarrod Dent |
| Presenter: Garber |
| |
P17 | Performance of algorithms for rapid first guess prediction of surf heights |
| Andrew Saulter, Tim Poate and Christopher Stokes |
| Presenter: Saulter Download Presentation |
| |
P18 | Comparison of ECMWF significant wave height forecasts for the China Sea with buoy data |
| Juanjuan Wang |
| Presenter: Wang Juanjuan |
| |
P19 | Metocean conditions during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition:
A comparison with model predictions |
| Marzieh H. Derkani, Stefan Zieger, Katrin Hessner, Filippo Nelli, Lotfi Aouf and Alessandro Toffoli |
| Presenter: Derkani Download Presentation |
| |
P20 | Assessing the reliability of wave-driven coastal flood prediction techniques under varying wave conditions and bottom roughness |
| Carly E. Portch, Mark L. Buckley, Ryan J. Lowe, Jeff E. Hansen, Cameron J. Lockwood, Dirk P. Rijnsdorp, Michael V. W. Cuttler and Rebecca H. Green |
| Presenter: Portch |
| |
P21 | NEMO based regional storm surge prediction system development in KMA |
| Nary La, Byoung Woong An, KiRyong Kang and YoonJae Kim |
| Presenter: La |
| |
P22 | A coupled surface-groundwater flow numerical model for a sandy coastal barrier beach with a mobile bed |
| Eranda Pereraa and Fangfang Zhu |
| Presenter: Perera |
| |
P23 | Hydrodynamics numerical simulation of artificial reefs with different spatial layouts in offshore waters |
| Anping Shu, Jiping Qin, Mengyao Wang and Shu Wang |
| Presenter: Shu |
| |
P24 | The impact of inlet closures on water volume in Barnegat Bay |
| Greg Slusarczyk and Mary A. Cialone |
| Presenter: Slusarczyk |
| |
P25 | Numerical modelling of single and multiple floating bodies |
| Filippo Nelli |
| Presenter: Nelli |
| |
P26 | On Phase-Resolving Simulations of Deep-Water Waves: Wave Absorption using a Static-Boundary Method |
| M.W. Gamal-Aldin and A.V. Babanin |
| Presenter: Gamal-Aldin Download Presentation |
| |
P27 | Simulating the Response of Ocean Waves to Turning Winds with the Generalized Kinetic Equation |
| Qingxiang Liu, Odin Gramstad and Alexander V. Babanin |
| Presenter: Liu |
| |
P28 | Effect of waves on the surface relative dispersion in the Western Gulf of Mexico
| P. Osuna, A. Moulin, F.J. Ocampo-Torres and N. Rascle |
| Presenter: Osuna |
| |
P29 | Flow generated by surfaces waves |
| Horst Punzmann, Hua Xia, Nicolas Francois and Michael Shats |
| Presenter: Punzmann Download Presentation |
| |
P30 | Impact of Wave and SST cooling on tropical cyclone in coupled AGCM-Slab ocean-Wave model |
| Daisuke Urano, Tomoya Shimura, Ryo Mizuta and Nobuhito Mori |
| Presenter: Urano |
| |
P31 | Development of an atmosphere-wave coupled model |
| Nadao Kohno and Yuhei Takaya |
| Presenter: Kohno Download Presentation |
| |
P32 | ROMS-CICE-WW3 Coupled Model in the Beaufort Sea
| Li Junde |
| Presenter: LI Junde |
| |
P33 | Skill assessments of an atmosphere-wave regional coupled model over the East China Sea with focus extremes – typhoons |
| Delei Li, Joanna Staneva, Sebastian Grayek, Arno Behrens and Baoshu Yin |
| Presenter: Staneva |
| |
P34 | Nonlinear Wave Ensemble Averaging using
Neural Networks |
| Ricardo Martins Campos, Jose-Henrique Alves, Vladimir Krasnopolsky and Stephen G. Penny |
| Presenter: Campos Download Presentation |
| |
P35 | On the use of wave ensemble of the model MFWAM to diagnose extreme wave events in North-East Atlantic Ocean |
| Lotfi Aouf, Cédric Amore, Bruno Joly and Alice Dalphinet |
| Presenter: Aouf Download Presentation |
| |
P36 | WAVEWATCH III SMC grid update for multi-resolution winds and hybrid parallelisation |
| Jian-Guo Li and Andrew Saulter |
| Presenter: Saulter Download Presentation |
| |
P37 | Sea-state contributions to sea-level variability in the European Seas |
| A. Bonaduce, J. Staneva, J.R. Bidlot and Ø. Breivik |
| Presenter: Staneva |
| |
Session PP: Posters - sessions Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
PP1 | Wave-Current Interaction in the Lofoten Maelstrom Area Northern Norway |
| Ana Carrasco and Øyvind Sæatra |
| Presenter: Carrasco Download Presentation |
| |
PP2 | Global implications of surface current modulation of the wind-wave field |
| Emilio Echevarria, Mark Hemer, Neil Holbrook and Salman Khan |
| Presenter: Echevarria Download Presentation |
| |
PP3 | Vessel-generated solitons in Port Phillip Bay |
| David Provis and Phebe Bicknell |
| Presenter: Provis |
| |
PP4 | Skilful seasonal prediction of ocean surface waves in the Atlantic Ocean |
| Mikhail Dobrynin, Tobias Kleine, Andre Dusterhus and Johanna Baehr |
| Presenter: Dobrynin |
| |
PP5 | Paving the way to combine large scale accurate hindcast data and advanced statistical methods for future offshore applications |
| Maziar Golestani and Patrick Dich Grode |
| Presenter: Grode Download Presentation |
| |
PP6 | Description and Validation of the Marine Copernicus Near-Real-Time Wave Products derived from altimetry and SAR measurements |
| E. Charles, R. Husson, A. Mouche, G. Dodet and H. Wang |
| Presenter: Charles Download Presentation |
| |
PP7 | Swell wave events in the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico : Atmospheric forcing and case study analysis |
| Miles Harris |
| Presenter: Harris |
| |
PP8 | Estimation of water waves using an unsupervised learning method with video imagery |
| Jinah Kim and Jaeil Kim |
| Presenter: Kim Jinah |
| |
PP9 | HDwave project – statistical space-time projections of wave heights |
| H. W. Rognebakke, T. L. Thorarinsdottir, T. A. Øigård, H. L. Hammer, E. Vanem and Stefanakos |
| Presenter: Vanem |
| |
PP10 | Transformation of long surface waves in the ocean with a variable bathymetry |
| A. M. Ermakov and Y. A. Stepanyants |
| Presenter: Stepanyants |
| |
PP11 | On the determination of the upper limit frequency of infragravity waves on the east coast of Korea |
| Jung-Eun Oh, Weon Mu Jeong and Sang-Ho Oh |
| Presenter: Oh |
| |
PP12 | Repercussions of navigation channel deepening on waves and currents |
| Huy Quang Tran and Alessandro Toffoli |
| Presenter: Tran |
| |
PP13 | Observation of Shoreline Reflection of Infragravity Waves in the Port of Salalah, Oman |
| Wim van der Molen and Rob Nairn |
| Presenter: van der Molen Download Presentation |
| |
PP14 | Sea Spray Generation Function under Strong Wind Condition with Waves
| Xingkun Xu, Hongyu Ma and Alexander V. Babanin |
| Presenter: Xu |
| |
PP15 | Wave forms in a circular geometry |
| John Bye |
| Presenter: Bye |
| |
PP16 | The effect of Langmuir turbulence in the real ocean with complex dynamics |
| Yalin Fan, Zhitao Yu, Ivan Savelyev and Junhong Liang |
| Presenter: Fan |
| |
PP17 | An analysis of the expected storm dynamics in the basin of the Black Sea |
| Eugen Rusu |
| Presenter: Rusu Eugen Download Presentation |
| |
PP18 | Simulation of Dahlia Tropical Cyclone Impact on Atmospheric Dynamic and Ocean in Sunda Strait using Delft-3D model |
| Adelina Lumbangaol, Aries Kristianto and Ahmad Fadlan |
| Presenter: Lumban Gaol |
| |
PP19 | Ocean Responses to Typhoon Soulik(1819) around Korea |
| KiRyong Kang and YoonJae Kim |
| Presenter: Kang |
| |
PP20 | Spatial Distribution of Tropical Cyclones Wind Speed and Wave Height from Satellite and Insitu Data |
| Ali Tamizi and Ian R. Young |
| Presenter: Tamizi |
| |
PP21 | Understanding the impacts of submerged structures on nearshore hydrodynamics through phase-resolved numerical simulations |
| Renan F. da Silva, Jeff Hansen, Dirk Rijnsdorp, Ryan Lowe and Mark Buckley |
| Presenter: Leal Campos Fonseca da Silva |
| |
PP22 | Quantifying the effect of future coral reef degradation on U.S. coastal flooding hazards |
| Curt D. Storlazzi, Borja G. Reguero, Michael W. Beck, Aaron D. Cole, James B. Shope, Ann E. Gibbs and Kristen A. Cumming |
| Presenter: Storlazzi |
| |
PP23 | Can we manage the unexpected?
Constructing plausible storm tides with high impact potential and consequences for coastal protection and disaster risk management
| Ralf Weisse and 14 others |
| Presenter: Gaslikova |
| |
PP24 | A new index for real time evaluation of coastal hazard |
| Francesco De Leo |
| Presenter: De Leo |
| |
PP25 | Coastal hazard modelling for Port Phillip Bay (Victoria, Australia) using the SCHISM coupled wave-flow hydrodynamic model |
| Vanessa Hernaman, Ron K. Hoeke, Kathleen L. McInnes, Claire Trenham, Phellipe Couto, Remy Zyngfogel, Brett Beamsley and Tom H. Durrant |
| Presenter: Hernaman |
| |
PP26 | The Port Phillip Bay Coastal Hazard Assessment: Scientific Component Overview |
| Ron K. Hoeke, Vanessa Hernaman and Kathy L. McInnes |
| Presenter: Hoeke |
| |
PP27 | Overwash hazards at a high visitation rock platform: developing a wave risk rating tool |
| Hannah E. Power, Michael A. Kinsela, Caio E. Stringari, Murray J. Kendall and David J. Hanslow |
| Presenter: Power |
| |
PP28 | Optimization of Oscillating Water Columns in Wave Energy Conversion and Coastal Protection |
| Danica Tothova and Richard Manasseh |
| Presenter: Tothova Download Presentation |
| |
PP29 | Calibration of a global tide and surge model during tropical cyclone conditions in Northeast Australia |
| T.R. Mortlock, M. Apecechea, S. De Kleermaeker and M. Verlaan |
| Presenter: Mortlock Download Presentation |
| |
PP30 | A study on the swell and sea characteristics along the south west coast of India during the monsoon season |
| G. Uma and S. A. Sannasiraj |
| Presenter: Sannasiraj Download Presentation |
| |
PP31 | JRA-55 Forced High-Resolution Wave Climate Hindcast around Japan and its Spectral Representation |
| Tomoya Shimura and Nobuhito Mori |
| Presenter: Shimura Download Presentation |
| |
PP32 | Hindcasting of historical tropical cyclone winds and waves |
| Saima Aijaz, Stefan Zieger, Jeff Kepert, Diana Greenslade and Aaron Wassing |
| Presenter: Aijaz |
| |
PP33 | Numerical wind and wave hindcasting in the Caspian Sea |
| M. Jandaghi Alaee, M.H. Moeini, E. Jafari and S. Hamzelu |
| Presenter: Jafari |
| |
PP34 | Directional wave changes induced by the expanding tropics |
| Itxaso Odériz Martínez, Thomas R Mortlock, Rodolfo Silva Casarín and Stipo Sentic |
| Presenter: Mortlock Download Presentation |
| |
PP35 | Wave Climate Change in the North Sea and Baltic Sea |
| A. Bonaduce, J. Staneva, A. Behrens, J.R. Bidlot and R.I. Wilcke |
| Presenter: Staneva |
| |
PP36 | Predicting compartment-scale climate change impacts related to Southern Ocean wave forcing: Port Fairy, Victoria, Australia |
| C. Leach, D.M. Kennedy, D. Ierodiaconou and R. Carvalho |
| Presenter: Leach Download Presentation |
| |
PP37 | Regional climate projections of sea surface dynamics in the western Mediterranean |
| M. Menéndez, M. Ramírez, B. Perez, P. Camus and I. Losada |
| Presenter: Menendez |
| |
PP38 | Maximum wave heights from numerical wave models |
| F. Barbariol, J.H. Alves, A. Behrens, A. Benetazzo, L. Bertotti, J. Bidlot, L. Cavaleri, P. Pezzutto, M. Sclavo, J. Staneva and J. Thomson |
| Presenter: Cavaleri |
| |
PP39 | Freak Waves in the Southern Ocean |
| Uggo Ferreira de Pinho, Henrique Rapizo and A. V. Babanin |
| Presenter: Babanin |
| |
PP40 | Rogue Waves in the North Sea- A Statistical Analysis of 300 Million Waves |
| Ina Teutsch |
| Presenter: Gaslikova |
| |